Case Summaries
Class Action
- PAGA representative action; several private security guards filed a PAGA representative action against their employer for failure to provide duty free compliant meal periods and rest breaks.
- Class Action Wage/Hour Litigation; Plaintiff asserted claims against the defendant’s company on behalf of 400 + current and former employees alleging meal/rest violations; failure to pay overtime and the clock work; 203 and 226 penalty violations; PAGA claims.
- Wage/Hour – Failure to consider bonus compensation when calculating regular rate for overtime purposes; meal period violation – 40% of class commenced their meal periods after the 5th hour of work; 226 – wage statement violations; failure to set forth the overtime hours and rate.
- Plaintiff and putative class members were employed as Account Representatives by a state-wide lending institution. Plaintiff alleged various wage/hour claims including off-the-clock, meal/rest, overtime issues and failure to reimburse for necessary expenses (L.C. 2802).
- Plaintiff worked for a large manufacturing company and alleged class claims on behalf of approximately 1,100 putative class members. The claims included allegations of improper overtime calculation; meal/rest violations, failure to reimburse for uniform cleaning and related PAGA penalties.
- Representative PAGA action filed by former employee of popular restaurant. Primary alleged violation was failure to provide compliant meal/rest periods.
- Large putative class of non-exempt employees, working for a restaurant/music venue with several state-wide locations, alleged various wage/hour violations including: meal/rest period violations, split shift issues, donning and doffing issues; validity of “short-shift” waivers and PAGA penalties.
- Agency providing in-home elder care services was sued by a former employee alleging class claims including overtime, travel time, 2802 reimbursement, meal/rest, split-shift premiums and on-call waiting time pay together with PAGA penalties.
- Class action against state-wide hotel chain with 2,800 putative class members; claims included: regular rate calculation (was bonus included?), meal/rest premium pay; 2802 (cell phone use) and on-call issues.
- Wage/Hour Class Action brought on behalf of certain registered pharmacists employed by a large national grocery retailer. Allegations included failure to provide and/or make available meal and rest periods due to business needs.
- A group of servers employed by a statewide restaurant chain alleged wage/hour violations including: split-shift premiums, meal/rest violations and on-call issues.
- Employee challenged validity of an adopted alternative work-week (4 x 10) alleging the voting procedure was not compliant with existing law.
- National trucking company sued by two former employees alleging that the FLSA Exception (29 USC 13; 49 USC 31502) did not apply and therefore substantial overtime and penalties was due to the large putative class.
- A group of town truck drivers alleged they and other similarly situated drivers should be paid for their “on-call” time. They argued the on-call requirements were unduly restrictive and therefore should be compensated as hours worked.